lørdag den 29. juni 2013

Day 14

The main project of day 14 was to get the barrels up on the tower.

The first barrel.
The barrels a put on the tower via skids.

The barrels are carefully pulled up on the tower.

When the barrels reach the side of the platform, they are pulled in by manual power.

And then the last barrel...
...It went better than expected, and it did not take
 much more than four hours to get all barrels up.

Bourien helps with getting the barrels in position.

All the barrels and the railing are fixed and in the right position.
John has time to start collecting the manifold.

John and Anders connecting the manifold with the pipes that leads to the water posts...

... and Jacques and Bourien connects the barrels.

fredag den 28. juni 2013

Day 12

 The team

 View from the water tower at seven in the morning, right after sunrise.
The city is about to wake up.

 On sunday the team is going to the service in the little chapel on the hill next to the water tower.
Here a picture of the pulpit that is ready for a celebration on sunday, the day where the water taps will be taken into use.

torsdag den 27. juni 2013

Day 11

The water tower seen from N1. 

The last welding on the struts.

Done with the welding, and time to paint the tower.
As it is too hot to work with the paint in the middle of the day, the painting is done in the evening before it gets dark, and early in the morning.

Yesterday... Today... Tomorrow..

The old Wells, where rope and bucket is used to get water.

Water is pumped to the barrels, so the village can get clean water.

There is constantly women around the barrels...

But tomorrow the plan is...

The kids are helping their family to go get water.
It is hard work.

tirsdag den 25. juni 2013

Day 9

The "musungoes" are discussing if the weld is strong enough.

Tata and Anders talking about the schedule of the day.

Tata and Jacques go through the progress of day nine.

A happy, but soaked monsieur Flinck.

The kids are watching the team work

The kids in Kyaba helping out.

How the water posts are build.

The bricks are made out of the clay-soil, and are dried in the sun.
The bricks for the water taps are also burned, in order to be more robust.

The team excavates, and prepare for the bricklaying.

It is important to get the right angle, so the team uses a spirit level.

 ...And then the only thing missing is the water tap.

After 15 minutes of pumping, the water is completely clear.

The women are temporarily getting water from a barrel on the ground.
They are already excited about this new way of getting water.

søndag den 23. juni 2013

Day 8

The project of day 8 was to try the pump.

The pump is put together.

The pump has to go 50m down.
The surface of the water is 25 meter below the ground.

When the water came, a prayer was made for the water to do the village well.

A woman came to fill her water bottle. 

After a few minutes the whole village had come to do the same.

The women are looking forward to have water like in Mununu and Lukunki.

High five!
A water fight broke out, with kids as well as adults.