torsdag den 30. maj 2013

The Heads of the Project

Anders Flinck has worked together with all five since 2002, and they have all been involved in the prior projects.

Tata Kyoloba Lualaba
Local Coordinator

 Jacques Mulundu
Plommer on the projects

Jacques Kyamusa
Attendant on the water system in Lukunki

Michelle Ngoy
All around (hard) worker

Philippe Mwembo
Principal/Chief of primary schools in Mulungwishi district

2 kommentarer:

  1. I like the good work you are doing for the people of kiaba, I was in mulungwishi those days when I was student doing my degree in IT,we did not have enough pipe, we have to walk a long distance to get water, now mulungwishi mission has pipe everywhere, then you did not stop there now kiaba and other will have pure water. I really appreciate what you are doing for this village may God bless you.

  2. Tak for det gode arbejde! I can't wait to drink that pure water when I get back home also see Baba Anders!

